We Ensure Your Used or Pre-Owned Piano Choice Stays Within Your Budget
When you are assisting an aspiring pianist to discover their musical talents for the first time, a used piano can be a cost-effective way to start. It will help them develop skills, learn to appreciate music, and develop creative and critical thinking that goes beyond music - all with only a modest investment.
A critical point in the offering of used pianos for sale is our selection process. We personally examine and evaluate every aspect of each used piano: mechanical and musical condition, repairs needed, cosmetics and original manufacturers' quality, or lack thereof. We weigh all these aspects to ascertain our final, fair-market selling price. More than half the pianos coming to us as trade-ins are not offered for resale, as many are simply beyond repair and should be retired. A very high percentage of the used pianos offered for sale to us are rejected, and those pianos remain on the market. Once we have selected a used piano to be prepared for resale, the preparation process is very thorough: Cleaning inside and out, necessary parts and repairs, action lubrication and regulation, tuning up to A440, and cabinet face-lift.
When you see the used pianos offered in our stores or on niceusedpianos.com, you can have confidence in knowing those pianos that we have rejected are NOT among them
Inventory availability is subject to prior sale.